
63 pages 2 hours read

A.S King

Attack Of The Black Rectangles

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2022

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Chapters 28-35Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “The School Board”

Mac, Marci, and Denis prepare to talk to the school board about the censorship issue at their school. Mac feels like he is lying to his friends because he hasn’t told them about his dad leaving, but he can’t find a good time or way to tell them. He also feels ashamed of the situation and worries that he is going to be like his dad, so he’d rather avoid talking about it.

At the school board meeting, Denis and Mac are nervous, but Marci has rehearsed her presentation and delivers it perfectly. When asked how he feels, Mac says that censorship is wrong and that censoring a story about the Holocaust because people think boys are not mature enough to handle it is even worse because it is insulting and sexist. After he speaks, he zones out, imagining that the men in the room believe he is misguided because his dad has left him. Denis and Marci finish the presentation by explaining that they need their books to be replaced and urging the board to adopt a policy to prevent future censorship. 

After their presentation, the school board members are dismissive; they tell them they can come back to the next meeting but do not agree to make any changes. Marci protests that they will be done reading the book by the next meeting. A school board member tells them they will discuss the matter but cannot settle the issue until the next meeting. They are disappointed, but Marci is especially upset. She starts crying, and Mac feels that it’s his fault that the board didn’t agree to their requests right away. He felt self-conscious, like they knew his father abandoned him. He asks Marci if she’s mad at him several times, and she insists that she’s not, but he wonders why she is looking at him so seriously.

Chapter 29 Summary: “Telling Denis”

Denis asks Mac why he’s been acting so weird lately, and Mac finally tells him about his dad taking a bunch of stuff from his house and leaving town without explanation. Denis tells him that he’s sorry. When he parts with Denis, Mac goes to a park and cries over all of the things that have been confusing, frustrating, and unfair in his life lately. When he gets home, his mom and grandad don’t notice that he’s been crying. 

At school that week, Marci tells Mac that Denis told her about his dad leaving and she says she’s sorry that it happened. He knows Denis and Marci care about him and want to help, but he is mad that Denis told Marci and doesn’t think they can help him. He goes to the nurse’s office and tells her that he needs to go home. His grandad comes to pick him up, and Mac goes to bed when he gets home. When he wakes up, his grandad reheats the dinner he missed and tells Mac that he is planning to go to a big protest in the city the next day and that Mac should come.

Chapter 30 Summary: “The City”

On Saturday morning before going to the protest with Grandad, Mac reads the letters to the editor, some of which are about him and his friends’ appearance at the school board meeting. One letter is on their side, saying that the town should support them in fighting for children’s rights to read. Another is judgmental, saying that children should respect their elders and that their parents aren’t raising them well, which hurts Mac given his family situation. 

He and grandad take a bus to the protest, which is about teaching honest and accurate information in schools. Mac is out of sorts, and his grandad notices that he is feeling heavy. When they arrive at the protest, Mac is overwhelmed by the crowd and wants to go home. Grandad walks with him to a bus shelter, and they sit down to talk. Mac explains that he feels scared about everything and thought he’d be less scared as he got older. Grandad tells him that when he left to fight in the Vietnam War, he was only a few years older than Mac and was scared of everything, too. He tells him that this feeling will get worse before it gets better. Over the last few weeks, Mac has mostly been afraid that all adults are liars and that people will keep repeating horrible things from history because they don’t know the truth. Grandad explains that that’s why protests like the one they’re at are important. 

Grandad says he can tell that Mac is holding in a lot of shame and wants him to let it out into the open. He shows him how by loudly proclaiming the things he is ashamed of—that he killed two men at war, that he wasn’t a good husband or father, and that he stole food when he was poor. He openly sobs and wails. He wants to show Mac that he will feel better if he talks about what he’s feeling instead of keeping it in and letting it damage his life and relationships. When it’s Mac’s turn, he says that he doesn’t like himself and worries that other people won’t either because he’s like his dad. He doesn’t think he will be a good husband or father because of his dad. He’s also angry about having to fight against ignorance and censorship at school. He feels that Marci is too smart for him and that he’s a mess. Grandad reassures him that everyone is a mess and that the biggest lie people tell children is that adults aren’t messy, too. Eventually, they stop crying and hug and decide to get something to eat. After getting all of that off his chest, Mac feels like everything has changed.

Chapter 31 Summary: “BLT”

After Mac’s cathartic venting experience with his grandad, they go get BLTs at a local diner. Mac’s grandad tells him that after the war, his wife, Mac’s grandmother, helped him see that to redeem himself from the guilt he felt, he had to make his life better for others and himself. Mac realizes that that is what his grandfather has done for him. 

Mac calls Denis to apologize for getting angry at him for telling Marci about his dad. Denis tells him that they are best friends and he doesn’t need to worry about it. He also urges him to ask Marci to the dance, but Mac doesn’t know how to do that. Grandad encourages him to just ask, and he even gives Mac Marci’s number—Grandad got it from her when they protested together the previous weekend. Mac asks Marci to the dance, and she immediately says yes. Mac is so thrilled that he and his grandad can’t stop smiling. Later, when they have dinner with his mom, he realizes that they all seem a lot happier with his dad gone.

Chapter 32 Summary: “Waiting…and Waiting…and Waiting”

Mac, Marci, and Denis are waiting to hear from the school board. They come over to Mac’s house and listen to punk rock music, and his grandad dances with them. Denis tells them that he and Hoa are going to the dance as friends, which makes Mac and Marci feel more comfortable about going. 

More people have been talking about the censorship of the black rectangles, and the school board calls an emergency meeting. All the parents of the kids in Mac’s literature group plan to attend. When he says that his grandad and mom will be there, Aaron gives him a hard time about his dad being gone. Ms. Sett overhears Aaron bullying Mac, and she later tells Mac that she removed him from his group. She also is very encouraging to Mac about what a strong leader he has become, referencing the school board meeting. He is surprised that she is happy about it because he was speaking out against her own behavior. 

Later, the principal calls Mac and Aaron to her office, and Aaron apologizes to Mac. Mac graciously accepts his apology and feels bad for Aaron because he has to spend the last day of their literature circle reading alone instead of with the group. Mac knows that people might think he is too nice, but he also doesn’t want to be the kind of person who has no feelings or compassion, like an “office guy” or his father.

Chapter 33 Summary: “Author Mail”

While he’s at school, Mac checks his email and sees that Jane Yolen, the author of The Devil’s Arithmetic, has responded to his email. She tells him that she has written many books and that some of them have been censored, challenged, banned, and even burned. She says that she is sorry that Mac’s school censored her book and that Mac’s father broke his mom’s mug, but it seems like he is channeling his anger about those things in a positive way. 

Mac is thrilled that Yolen wrote back to him, and he quickly replies. He tells her that he loved her book and that his friend Marci explained to him that feminism is important because otherwise, believing that words like “breasts” are bad make girls feel ashamed about their bodies and underestimate boys’ intelligence and maturity. He also tells her that even though the books were not replaced, there will be another school board meeting to continue the discussion. Mac has not told Marci or Denis that he wrote to Yolen, and he decides not to because he still doesn’t really want to tell them about his dad breaking his mom’s mug.

Chapter 34 Summary: “The Dance”

Mac and Marci meet each other at the dance, and Mac tells her that she looks nice in her dress, but she obviously feels uncomfortable. She tells Mac that people often give her a hard time for being a feminist, assuming that she hates all boys and men and that she wants to be a man just because she wants equal rights. Mac tells her that he thinks she’s pretty and smart, and she tells him that she thinks he’s cute and the smartest and coolest person she knows. 

They wait outside the school for Denis and Hoa to arrive. Mac and Marci go inside while Denis waits outside for Hoa. Mac and Marci have a good time together dancing, but they begin to worry when Denis and Hoa still have not come inside. They look all over for them and finally decide to leave the dance and go to Denis’s house.

Chapter 35 Summary: “Popcorn”

They find Denis at his house, and he tells them that Hoa did come to the dance, but he realized that she liked him as more than a friend, and he did not feel the same way about her. He feels really bad for hurting her feelings because he doesn’t get crushes on people. Marci and Mac comfort him, reminding him that he is not alone—there are a lot of people who identify as ace, or asexual, who do not have romantic feelings for others, and he shouldn’t feel bad about who he is. 

They decide to take a walk but are soon stopped by a police officer who reminds them that it is past the town’s curfew. They object because they just started their walk and there are a lot of adults still out. They walk back to Denis’s house, and then Mac walks Marci back to her house. She tells him that she doesn’t feel ready to kiss anyone yet, and Mac agrees. Mac goes home and tells his grandad about the dance and the police officer stopping them. The next morning, he sees that his grandad has made a sign for the protest that reads, “Let People Walk Around, Okay?” (291).

Two letters to the local newspaper’s editor feature criticism about the town’s decision to cancel Halloween due to safety concerns and a response. The response from Ms. Sett that defends the decision, insisting that the fun of Halloween is not worth risking the safety of children.

Chapters 28-35 Analysis

Mac experiences emotional catharsis in this section that provides his character with further development. He is feeling an all-time low after the school board meeting because the board is dismissive of their concerns about censoring books. Adding to his emotional stress, Mac feels guilt and shame about not telling his best friends about his dad. He also wants to ask Marci to the school dance but doesn’t know how. He visibly carries the weight of these situations, as Grandad tells him that he looks “heavy” when they attend a protest. Mac finally releases the tension he holds when Grandad encourages him to yell out what he is ashamed and angry about. They yell and cry as Grandad says that he “aims to bring [Mac] into the light” so that he won’t feel shame about his feelings (187). Through this experience, Grandad gives Mac grace that he’s then able to pass on to others, furthering the theme of Giving Others Grace. Mac feels lighter after his grandad helps him to release his worries, leading him to be more generous and patient. He graciously accepts Aaron’s apology after making insensitive comments about his dad and even feels sorry for him when he is excluded from the literature group. As Mac passes on the grace his grandad gave him, Aaron reciprocates by being more open to learning about new points of view.

Ms. Sett’s character is also given more nuance within this portion of the narrative as she encourages Mac in his journey to spearhead the censorship protests. She compliments Mac by praising him regarding his unwavering stance about the censorship issue: “You’re one of our strongest voices. I saw you at the school board meeting. You did so well” (199). Mac understands Ms. Sett to be the one who censored the books in the first place, so he is confused by her approval. However, her support of his strength of character aligns with her own loyalty to her beliefs, showing Mac how they may not be so different after all. While she approves of Mac’s actions that directly oppose her own, she contributes to Mac’s understanding that individuals are not binary in their beliefs, as he reflects in the novel’s Prologue that “no one is ever just one thing” (4). Ms. Sett serves as a solid foundation for Mac’s character to flourish as she opposes his beliefs with her own.

King introduces children’s book author Jane Yolen as a character of herself, bolstering Mac’s sense of confidence about his resistance to his school’s censorship. In addition to The Devil’s Arithmetic, Yolen has written more than 400 books for children and adults alike. Yolen’s response to Mac’s email includes the author’s acceptance and dismay that her books have been banned, censored, and burned, empowering Mac to address the censorship he witnesses in stride. That Yolen is introduced as a character within King’s novel also opens the potential for the reader’s interest in Yolen’s works as well.

King also introduces conversations of sexuality in this chapter, as Denis feels guilty for agreeing to take Hoa to the dance when he doesn’t feel the same way she does. As Denis explains that he doesn’t get crushes on people, Marci is quick with encouragement, explaining that many people identify differently. She adds, without judgment, “‘A lot of people are aro, ace, or aroace. You’re not alone.’ Aroace means: a person who doesn’t experience romantic or sexual attraction” (260). The friends discuss the possibility of varying sexualities with straightforward earnestness, reducing Denis’s sense of apprehension. He feels concerned that he did not realize that Hoa’s feelings for him were more than friendly, and upon discovering her attraction, he ends their outing. Marci supports Denis, promoting his actions to quickly end the evening and to remain unapologetic for his own feelings. The conversation between the friends marks their coming of age as they maturely address Denis’s anxieties and move on without judgment.

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